Valve Selection Guide
Ball Valve

- Can be used for on and off service or throttling
- When positive shut-off is necessary
- Where a low valve profile is necessary
- Only 90° rotation from open to fully closed (quick opening)
- Handle position is a quick indication of whether valve is
open or closed - Full port ball valves do not resist flow
Butterfly Valve

- Where positive shut-off is necessary
- Primarily for fully open or fully closed applications
- May be used for throttling
- Only 90° rotation from open to fully closed
- Lightweight
- Easy to install
- Less costly than an iron body gate valve
Gate Valve

- For fully open or fully closed service - not for throttling
- For minimum line pressure drop
- For minimum fluid entrapment in the line
- For relatively infrequent operation
Check Valve

- To control the direction of flow and for quick, automatic reactions to flow change. Swing check valves are used when a minimum resistance to flow is required.
- Swing check valves are recommended for use in conjunction with gate valves. They should not be used in a rapid recycling system such as reciprocating pumps or air compressor service where they could cause chatter and damaging vibration.
Globe Valve

- For regulation (throttling) of flow
- For frequent operation; short stem travel reduces operator's time
- Where some line resistance is acceptable