Ham-Let Product Lines
SAE 37° Flare Fittings
An excellent pressure fitting, the Flare 37° can be used on extra heavy wall tubing, with good vibration resistance in a broad selection of styles and sizes.
Pressure Range
Withstands up to 15,000 PSIg depending on the temperature: -65°F to +400°F at maximum operating pressure, +700°F to +800°F at 1,000 PSIg - 4,000 PSIg, depending on tube size. Stainless steel has been used at +1,000°F and 2000 PSIg.
Meets specifications and standards of ASA, ASME, SAE and MS (Military Standards).
S.A.E. Standards - the assembled 37° flared tube fittings meet standard J-514 as published in the S.A.E. handbook.
Military Specifications Mil-F-18866 - This range completely meets these specification on "Fittings, Flared tube 37°".
Thank you to The HAM-LET Valve & Fitting Company. Source material HAM-LET Catalog. Any errors in the transcription of this data are solely the responsibility of JGB Enterprises, Inc. No warranty, including implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or other warranty of quality is either expressed or implied of this product.